The 5th Edition - On the Ideal Present, best sales calls & big tech project methodologies
George Nurijanian
Here’s what I’ve been pondering:
1 quote
“It’s hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.” — Adlai E. Stevenson
1 video
I am a big fan of Wardley Maps, and Ben from Hired Thought is great at popularising the concept. He shared this approach to planning with the Ideal Present canvas (7 mins) that I’m trying out for my own personal projects before I bring it to the team.
2 thoughts
I have a post-it note on my laptop that says “What problem are you really solving?” So, what problem are you really solving?
What feels harder than it should be?
3 links
Hammering Eggs (Leadership and Problem-Solving) - when the blog looks like it was made in the 90’s, you know the content is good. It’s a fresh perspective on leadership & problem-solving beyond the platitudes (10 mins)
7 Things the Best Sales Calls Have in Common, Based on 25,537 Calls - a fascinating look at the data behind the best sales calls. I know I’ll have to do sales one day (if I don’t chicken out of my SaaS ideas). I recently installed a Google Meet plugin that measures how long someone speaks on a call, to help with the first finding (5 mins)
How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects & The Curious Absence Of Scrum - this article has been going around the internet. Most teams I know use a mix of Scrum & Kanban (Scrum-ban). We’ve been experimenting with Shape Up’s best parts but we’re not entirely there yet (15 mins)
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