The 20th Edition - On the Critical Path, org design & algorithmically-generated playlists
George Nurijanian
Did you know that 55% of teenagers use voice search every day?
And yet, last night I asked Siri if it was going to be a cold night. It showed me search results for the movie “Cold Night”. Maybe I should use my teenager voice.
1 article
A treasure trove of algorithmically-generated playlists on Spotify.
Save it for future reference - and revel in its beauty.
#DataIsBeautiful & in this case, it also helps extend the use of Spotify.
In such unstructured data environments that hit a certain volume threshold, there is yet more value in adding structure. Google did it with text & the whole web. Feels like we’re still extending this space today.
BONUS: My friend Celine made this beer-inspired playlist generator using the Spotify API 🍻
1 video
Project Management: Finding the Critical Path(s) and Project Duration
A quick walkthrough the application of the Critical Path method as seen in the work of Eliyahu M. Goldratt (“The Goal”, Theory of Constraints).
“Org design says more about your company strategy than a strategy doc ever can.” - Nishi Patel
“Remember to conduct yourself in life as if at a banquet. As something being passed around comes to you, reach out your hand and take a moderate helping. Does it pass you by? Don’t stop it. It hasn’t vet come? Don’t burn in desire for it, but wait until it arrives in front of you. Act this way with children, a spouse, toward position, with wealth - one day it will make you worthy of a banquet with the gods.” - Epictetus
3 thoughts
Imagine that your calendar is cleared up completely for 2 weeks. No responsibilities. Nothing. Your only task is to solve a recurring source of drag & time-suck. The goal is scaling your impact. What do you focus on?
When you’re debating an expense, and the expense is not life threatening + the benefit is likely, inverse the cost & the benefit. For instance, “Am I willing to pay $1000 for a fitness coach to be fit?” vs. “Am I willing to be paid $1000 to stay unfit?”
Work the most on Mondays and gently ease into Fridays. Instead of working 8-8-8-8-8 hours every day, choose 12-10-8-6-4.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great week ahead & see you next week.
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