The 19th Edition - On The Girdley Rule, intuition & The Abilene Paradox
George Nurijanian
Did you know that in the U.S. there are about 36 million solo dwellers, and together they make up 28 percent of U.S. households?
All those poor souls hearing their parents nag them about “when will you get married?”
1 article
Why investors don’t fund dating apps
Built-in churn
Dating has a shelf-life
Paid acquisition channels are expensive
City-by-city expansion sucks
Hard to exit
Demographic mismatch with investors
Always a great one from Andrew Chen (a16z, Uber, Reforge, etc.).
Lots of great thoughts on how user acquisition works & why these types of startups are super-difficult to get off the ground.
So I guess my first SaaS won’t be a dating app!
1 video
The Productivity Secret of Michelin-Star Chefs | Work Clean by Dan Charnas
Pulling further on the thread of “chef as a model for a productive creative”, this video covers the 4 practices to treat your own work with the level of care, consistency, and output of a world-class chef.
“Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.“ - Carl Jung
“A day off is a day where I have full autonomy over what I do. The blank calendar day is one of the more glorious sights.” — Cal Newport
3 thoughts
The Girdley Rule for Business Books: Just read the first chapter. Or, better, just listen to the author interviewed on a good podcast.
Intuition is defined as something that you know without conscious reasoning. In other words, intuition is knowledge that we don’t know how we learned.
The Abilene Paradox is similar to groupthink, but differs. In groupthink individuals are not acting contrary to their conscious wishes and often feel good about the decisions the group has reached. In the Abilene paradox, the individuals are acting contrary to their own wishes & are more likely to have negative feelings about the outcome. It occurs when individuals experience “action-anxiety”—stress concerning the group potentially expressing negative attitudes towards them if they do not go along.
Thanks for reading.
Have a great week ahead & see you next week.
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