The 15th Edition - On 2022 product trends, greed & "Jackass"
George Nurijanian
This is the first edition of 2022.
I changed the structure of the newsletter: I’m swapping thoughts for articles, and quotes for thoughts.
So now, you get only 1 top article (you likely have no time even for that). And that way there are other nuggets right here in this email.
1 article
This article suggests that in 2022 we’ll see:
Buy-it-Forget-it products
Reporting on ROI
Pay-to-Activate model
SaaS eating SaaS
Companies venturing into Ed-Tech
My favorite is probably Pay-to-Activate! Though whenever price is introduced into anything, it complicates as many things as it solves.
Ed-Tech is my second favorite. An accounting software could teach young people accounting, and when they graduated, they would be warmed up to that software from the beginning.
Product-Led Growth and No-Code were definitely the hot trends in 2020 & 2021. Here are my 5 top picks for the next Product Trends in 2022 and beyond… Customers are looking for the functional…
1 video
“Wall Street” (1987) by Oliver Stone is one of the best meditations on capitalism.
“I create nothing. I own.” - Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko on money, exploitation, and capitalism (Wall Street, Stone, 1987)
“Outsized returns come from betting against conventional wisdom, and conventional wisdom is usually right.” - Jeff Bezos
“People more successful than you generally listen and want to learn from you. People less successful than you generally want to tell you what you’re doing wrong and how they’d do it better than you.” - Pieter Levels
3 thoughts
What if everyone on your team had an assistant? What if everyone in your company had an assistant? (This was inspired by a tweet from a software entrepreneur in Italy.)
When Bill Gates wanted to grow Microsoft in the early 1990s, he didn’t just study the latest industry news and business books. He studied science.
The “Jackass” movie franchise is incredibly profitable. Every movie returns 10X or more. The producers very efficiently insure it stunt by stunt. The cost of insurance is a signal whether to do the stunt or not. If a prank involving running through a Pentecostal church in a devil’s costume would cost 5M to insure, they don’t do it. How might this practice be applied in product development?
Thanks for reading.
Have a great week ahead & see you next week.
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