🔨 10 Specific Things To Check Your Slide Deck Against [Checklist with Tactics]
Based on 10 Simple Slide Tips to Crush Your Next Presentation [Save The Checklist]
I wrote about this in the 95th edition of the newsletter.
Checklist for Slide Deck Review
1. One Idea Per Slide
Check Method: Read the slide title and content. If you can't summarize the slide's main point in a single sentence without using conjunctions like 'and,' 'or,' the slide likely has multiple ideas.
Solution: Split the slide into multiple slides, each focusing on a single point.
2. Script-Free
Check Method: Ask yourself, "Could the audience understand the slide without my verbal input?" If yes, the slide is too script-like.
Solution: Remove textual explanations that you intend to speak out loud and replace with visual aids that complement your speech.
3. No Redundancy
Check Method: After finishing your deck, go through each slide and check for any repeated information or images.
Solution: Remove or merge slides that reiterate the same point unless repetition is a deliberate strategy for emphasis.
4. Font Size
Check Method: Use the software's font size indicator to ensure no font is smaller than 30 points.
Solution: Increase font size where needed, even if it means reducing text.
5. No Bullet Points
Check Method: Scan each slide for bullet-point lists.
Solution: Convert bullet points to individual slides or use smart art/infographics to display the information.
6. Word Limit
Check Method: Count the words on each slide. Alternatively, use word count features if your software provides it.
Solution: Trim down text to meet the 20-word limit. Use visual aids to supplement information.
7. Imagery
Check Method: Confirm that there is one, and only one, image per slide.
Solution: Add or remove images as needed. Make sure the image directly relates to the slide's main point.
8. Editing
Check Method: Review each slide multiple times focusing on different elements: content, design, and flow. Consider using a third-party tool like Grammarly for textual elements.
Solution: Edit iteratively. Focus on one element at a time for best results.
9. Slide-to-Time Ratio
Check Method: Divide your total presentation time (in minutes) by the number of slides. The result should be greater than 1.
Solution: Either reduce the number of slides or extend your speaking time for each slide.
10. No Exception
Check Method: Perform a rule violation audit. Go through each slide and check if it violates any of the above rules while believing that the rules don't apply to you.
Solution: Adjust any slides that violate the rules. You aren't an exception.
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